Zoom into Soil: Evidence-based approaches for soil science outreach
In this webinar, Prof. Louise Archer and Dr. Mark Nason discuss evidence-based approaches for better soil science outreach.
In this webinar, Christine House, Director of House Associates, and Claire Dickinson, a contaminated land specialist, discuss ‘Soils critical to brownfields first: Soil Health in the context of Land Remediation.’ This interactive session, chaired by BSSS President, Prof. Jack Hannam, explores effective soil use and management in the context of brownfield sites and construction.
Christine House is the Director of House Associates, a practice specialising in mineral/waste planning and landscape restoration. Prior to this she was a Director at Wardell Armstrong for a period of 21 years. Chris has extensive experience of restoring and remediating contaminated land together with the re-instatement of mineral and former waste disposal sites.
Bringing over 30 years of experience in UK land development, Claire Dickinson is a contaminated land specialist (Registered SiLC) with a background in geotechnical engineering, specialising in ground risk management advice. She combines running her consultancy (Geo-Environmental Matters Ltd) with part-time lecturing at the University of Portsmouth.
In this webinar, Prof. Louise Archer and Dr. Mark Nason discuss evidence-based approaches for better soil science outreach.
In this webinar, Dr Paul Newell-Price and John Langley-Randall from ADAS discuss grassland soil health.
Prof. Paul Hallett and Dr. Lizzie Sagoo discuss what’s on the horizon for BSSS and speak on their plans for the Society in their roles on the presidential team.