Latest webinars
We host a number of videos on our YouTube channel and our most recent are available below.
Zoom into Soil: Agricultural Land Classification
In this webinar, Gill Shaw and Rob Askew from the BSSS Working with Soil programme discuss Agricultural Land Classification.
More Recent videos
Zoom into Soil: Soils and Water
In this webinar, hear from Lisa Donovan, PhD Researcher at Cranfield University, and James Dowers, Catchment Scientist at Severn Trent Water Ltd., as they discuss soils and water.
Zoom into Soil: Sustainable Farming
Don Lobb, former farmer and long-time soil advocate from Canada, and Prof. Andrew Neal, research scientist at Rothamsted Research, discuss sustainable farming on soils.
Zoom into Soil: Carbon Sequestration
In this webinar, Peter Smith, Professor of Soils & Global Change at the University of Aberdeen, and Dr. Jagadeesh Yeluripati, Senior Scientist at the James Hutton Institute, discuss carbon sequestration in soils.
Zoom into Soil: Contaminated Soils and the Impact on Human Health
Graham O’Mahony, Chair of the UK Asbestos Training Association (UKATA), and Margaret Oliver, BSSS Honorary Member, discuss contaminated soils and the impact on human health.
Zoom into Soil: The Benefits of Natural Processes
In this webinar, Sarah George, BSSS Outreach Committee Member, and Olivia Azevedo, PhD student at the University of Stirling and Forest Research, discuss the benefits of natural processes in relation to soils.
Zoom into Soil: the European Journal of Soil Science and EU-funded soil projects
Professor Jenni Dungait, Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of Soil Science, and Dr Cristina Arias-Navarro, Scientific Project Officer at the EU Soil Observatory, discuss the European Journal of Soil Science and EU-funded soil projects.
Soils are our past, present and future
“The biggest global challenges to do with our climate and the state our planet, have soil at the heart.”
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