Zoom into Soil: Evidence-based approaches for soil science outreach
In this webinar, Prof. Louise Archer and Dr. Mark Nason discuss evidence-based approaches for better soil science outreach.
The role of EIAs in promoting healthy soils was held in collaboration with the Institute of Environmental Sciences (IES). Dr Eleanor Reed and Chris Stapleton explored how Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) can promote and support soil health.
In this webinar, Prof. Louise Archer and Dr. Mark Nason discuss evidence-based approaches for better soil science outreach.
In this webinar, Dr Paul Newell-Price and John Langley-Randall from ADAS discuss grassland soil health.
Prof. Paul Hallett and Dr. Lizzie Sagoo discuss what’s on the horizon for BSSS and speak on their plans for the Society in their roles on the presidential team.