Join BSSS at the SB58 Climate Change Conference

Join BSSS at the SB58 Climate Change Conference

The British Society of Soil Science, along with The Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health and the International 4 per 1000 Initiative are delighted to be hosting a policy dialogue luncheon, at the upcoming SB58 UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany, on Thursday 15...
Obituary – Gordon Spoor

Obituary – Gordon Spoor

An insight into the professional life of Professor Gordon Spoor MIAgrE The major contribution of Gordon’s professional life was serving as the Professor of Applied Soil Physics at Cranfield University at Silsoe (formerly the National College of Agricultural...
Get involved in Open Farm Sunday

Get involved in Open Farm Sunday

Open Farm Sunday is on 11 June and is a great opportunity for visitors and BSSS members to engage with local farms to learn about farming and talk about soil. There are over 100 farms already registered to take part. We’d love to see BSSS members getting involved with...
Call for Abstracts (2023 Conferences)

Call for Abstracts (2023 Conferences)

Submissions for poster presentations have re-opened. The deadline for oral presentations has passed. We are currently accepting abstracts for our 2023 Annual Conference and also our Early Careers’ Conference. Taking place from 4–5 December (Annual Conference)...