Welcome to our new Early Career Committee Members

Mar 15, 2024 | Blog

We are delighted to welcome several new faces to the BSSS Early Career Committee so we thought we would take the opportunity to find out a bit more about them and what they do.

Christina van Midden, PhD student at Cranfield University

Hi, I’m a final year PhD student at Cranfield University working on a project sponsored by Future Biogas Ltd to investigate whether soil microorganisms can be used to reduce nitrogen losses from anaerobic digestate application to soil.

Prior to my PhD, I worked as an ecologist before joining the agricultural consultancy firm ADAS as a research technician where I developed her interest in soil science. I am also the co-creator of Dirty Matters the Soil game, which is designed to demonstrate the role of soil in meeting the challenges of a sustainable world.


Liv Hoyland, Graduate Soil Consultant at Arcadis

Hi, I am Liv, a graduate soil consultant at Arcadis. Previously, during my MSci degree, my research focused on the response of bioavailable nutrients in organically fertilised agricultural soils. Now, as a soil scientist in industry, I conduct Soil and Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) Surveys which support Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA).

My keen interest lies in exploring the impacts of agricultural practices on soil sustainability and how nutrient and soil management plans can be implemented to support a sustainable future for soil science.

I am excited to join the Early Careers committee, where I look forward to sharing my passion for soil science.


Louisa Moor – PhD Student at the University of East Anglia

I am a first year PhD student at the University of East Anglia, starting a 4-year project entitled ‘Not all Soil Carbon is Equal’. My particular interest is in soil biology, and I am looking forward to looking at mites and springtails under the microscope over the course of my project, as well as getting out in the field.


I am so thrilled to be joining the BSSS Early Careers committee as I enjoyed every minute of both the annual and Early Careers conference in December and look forward to helping run them.


Asa Dant, PhD Student at the University of Edinburgh

I am studying for a PhD at the University of Edinburgh focusing on the trade-offs and co benefits that arise from adopting regenerative agriculture on key biological, physical, and chemical soil health parameters.


In my spare time, I enjoy getting out to the mountains and running, swimming and climbing.


I am looking forward to getting stuck in with the role.


Jaylie Ryan, Consultant at Arcadis

I am an Australian soil scientist currently working as a consultant at Arcadis. Prior to consultancy, I worked in research back home focusing on spatial distribution of soil carbon within a diverse tree environment as well as how soil type can be used to manipulate different wine characteristics.

Fun fact about me, I live on a narrowboat and love to spend all my free time travelling either by boat or van.


Jess Brook, PhD Student at the University of Aberdeen

I’m Jess and I am a PhD student at the University of Aberdeen. I have a keen interest in agricultural land management and soil biophysics and in particular soil structure, soil water retention properties and environmental impact. I also enjoy being involved in science communication.

My research is on the important link between soil physical structure and water movement and quality.

I’m very excited to have joined the BSSS EC Committee and I’m looking forward to working with the team.

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