Speaking at Soapbox Science

Speaking at Soapbox Science

Written by EC member, Christina van Midden Soapbox science is an annual event where women in STEMM careers talk about their research to the general public. The aim of the event is to promote women and non-binary people in science, thereby challenging the gendered...
Reflections on my PhD and viva experience

Reflections on my PhD and viva experience

Written by BSSS Early Career Committee Member, Izzy Lloyd Hello! As many of our Early Career members are undertaking PhDs, or might be considering applying for one, I thought I would look back on my experience of doing a PhD in the UK in the field of soil science, and...
Discussing Soil Health at SB60 Conference

Discussing Soil Health at SB60 Conference

The British Society of Soil Science was privileged to attend and to host a side event at SB60, the UN Climate Change Conference, at the World Conference Centre in Bonn. The two-week conference featured intensive work across a range of issues where progress is needed...
What is the Outreach Committee?

What is the Outreach Committee?

The Outreach Committee is one of six BSSS committees who meet regularly to exchange knowledge and ideas and offer vital support to the Society to deliver its aims. The committee comprises of individuals from all categories of Society membership who are passionate...