Zoom into Soil: Evidence-based approaches for soil science outreach
In this webinar, Prof. Louise Archer and Dr. Mark Nason discuss evidence-based approaches for better soil science outreach.
In this webinar, Professor Jenni Dungait, Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of Soil Science, and Dr Cristina Arias-Navarro, Scientific Project Officer at the EU Soil Observatory, discuss the European Journal of Soil Science and EU-funded soil projects.
Cristina wasn’t able to join the live webinar but has recorded her presentation separately.
Professor Jennifer Dungait is a member of the BSSS Council as Editor in Chief of the European Journal of Soil Science (since 2019). She is an Honorary Professor of Soil Science at the University of Exeter and Honorary Professor of Soil Biogeochemistry at Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC). Jenni is a freelance soil scientist with clients in the agricultural sector and academia. Previously, she worked as a soil science researcher at the University of Bristol and Rothamsted Research. She was a Visiting Scholar at the Carbon Mitigation and Sequestration Center (CMASC) at the Ohio State University in 2012.
During Jenni’s presentation, we also heard from Dr Dan Evans, Lecturer in Soil Formation at Cranfield University.
Dr Cristina Arias-Navarro is the Scientific Project Officer of the EU Soil Observatory (European Commission – Joint Research Centre). With her work, she provides evidence-based scientific and technical support to EU policies related to soils. Prior to joining JRC, she worked in France, Kenya and Germany in projects in the field of soil organic carbon, sustainable soil management, climate change and international cooperation at the science-policy dimension. For her PhD, she studied the effects of forest conversion to agricultural land uses on soil greenhouse gases and C stocks in tropical systems of East Africa. Cristina has contributed to global assessments reports advancing science and evidence for policy-makers working to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss. She is currently leading the European chapter of the upcoming FAO SWSR report.
In this webinar, Prof. Louise Archer and Dr. Mark Nason discuss evidence-based approaches for better soil science outreach.
In this webinar, Dr Paul Newell-Price and John Langley-Randall from ADAS discuss grassland soil health.
Prof. Paul Hallett and Dr. Lizzie Sagoo discuss what’s on the horizon for BSSS and speak on their plans for the Society in their roles on the presidential team.