Call for Abstracts: Early Careers Conference

Mar 12, 2021 | News

Soils: Past, Present and Future

Abstract submission open from Thursday 11 February to Friday 30 April 2021


The abstract submission deadline for the Early Careers Conference on the theme Soils: Past, Present and Future has been extended to Friday 30 April. Completed application forms should be submitted to


We have extended the deadline as due to the pandemic, we have taken the decision to host a novel and innovative virtual Early Careers Conference in October, to replace the face-to-face event due to be held in September in Glasgow. Further details of the event and opportunities to join pre-event get-togethers to introduce the software, will be provided in future updates.


The Early Careers (EC) Committee of the British Society of Soil Science (BSSS) is inviting abstract submissions for its EC Conference which will take place virtually in October 2021. The conference is fully funded for all BSSS EC members, covering ticket price and any related fees. The conference will provide an online environment for postgraduate students, PhD researchers, post-docs, and early career industrial researchers to showcase their work whilst encouraging networking and collaboration.


Abstracts are invited on the conference theme: Soils: Past, Present and Future. The properties and functions of soils that we observe today reflect the complex natural history of soil formation in combination with the many ways in which most soils have been modified by current and former human activities. To address the great challenges of our time such as soil degradation, climate change and biodiversity loss, a holistic understanding of the soil system is required that accounts for the history of our soils, their present state, and the projections of how they may be altered by changes in climate and management.  As such, abstract submissions from all aspects of soil science are welcome! Due to the nature of the COVID pandemic forcing much research to take place at home, we welcome abstracts detailing desk-based research including reviews and meta-analyses.


Submission Requirements

  • Abstracts should be no more than 350 words and written in English
  • Figures and tables should not be included, though graphical abstracts may be included
  • Submissions should include a list of all authors and, if accepted, the author or one of the co-authors must be available to present the work at the event from with dates to be confirmed. If this will not be possible, please withdraw your abstract as early as possible
  • By submitting the abstract, the author(s) declare that they are authorised to submit the abstract on behalf of all author(s) and that the work is theirs
  • Please use the form to submit your application and confirm whether you have preference for an oral or poster presentation
  • Abstract submissions should only be submitted by members of the Society in good faith and abstracts from non-members will be rejected
  • Abstracts must be received by Friday 30 April at 5:00pm
  • For any queries regarding your submission, please contact
  • To submit an abstract submission, please use the submission form and send as an attachment on email to
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