£5,000 Early Career Interdisciplinary Grant

May 10, 2022 | Featured, News

We will be offering a grant of up to £5,000 to a team of early career professionals attending the World Congress of Soil Science 2022 who wish to develop their own ideas, build a track record in their chosen soil science discipline(s) and work in multi-disciplinary teams.

Following the success of last year’s Interdisciplinary Grant at Eurosoil, participating delegates will create an interdisciplinary team to develop a project linked to one or more of the congress scientific divisions. This grant provides an ideal opportunity to highlight the importance of soil science research and collaboration across interdisciplinary teams for the benefit of the human society.

Teams will need to include at least two attendees or delegates to the congress and the application must be made by one of these members. In addition, where relevant for the project, the team can propose further partnerships with early career professionals not attending the congress.

A workshop, providing more detail on how to apply for the grant, will be held on Wednesday 20 July from 10.30am to 1.00pm. Hosted on Gather Town, an overview of the grant will be provided along with guidance on how to write a successful funding bid, followed by an opportunity to network with your peers to create your multi-disciplinary team. This workshop is a prerequisite to applying for the grant and attendees must book their place in advance.

For further details and to register for the workshop, please visit www.britishsocietyofsoilscience.wildapricot.org/event-4839106.

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