Apply for Teaching Soil Science Grant Please fill out our form to apply for a Teaching Soil Science Grant. Step One - Personal Details Name Email Address Address Current Position / Job Title Are you a BSSS member? YesNo Please provide your membership number: Sorry, this grant is only available for BSSS members. BackNext Step Two - Project Details Please provide details of the equipment sought. Please provide full details of the equipment to be purchased using this grant, including, manufacturer, make, model, supplier and full costs inc. VAT BackNext Step Three - Funding Details How much funding are you applying for? Numerical value up to £1000. Case for support. Please provide details of how your application meets the requirements set out in the relevant grant guidelines. Details of other funding sought. Please provide details of any other funding you have applied for, or have received to date for this project. Have you been awarded a grant previously by the British Society of Soil Science? YesNoUnsure If yes, which grant did you receive and when? Is there any additional information you would like to provide? Declaration By accepting this declaration you confirm that: the information that you have provided in this form are accurate ou have the full backing of your organisation to apply for this grant you agree that if for any reason the equipment is not purchased, the event not attended or the project is not completed the full grant awarded will be returned to the Society As required by the Society, you agree to: present at a future Society meeting write an article to appear in the Society journals and/or website provide copyright free images of your project or taken whilst completing your project which can appear in Society journals and/or website acknowledge the Society funding in all presentations, press releases, and activities relating to this grant output provide any tangible outcomes of grant funding, which may include but is not limited to, factsheets, teaching materials, event programmes, to the Society to be hosted on our website provide an interview with, or complete a case study form, which will be used to promote the outcome of your grant award to other members and the wider public via Society journals and/ or website Please note that if you do not agree to these terms we will not process your application. Please confirm that you agree to these Terms and Conditions YesNo