Annual General Meeting 2023

Annual General Meeting 2023

The AGM is essential for conducting formal business of the Society. Without it, we are unable to elect your representatives, or carry out essential business such as approving our accounts and appointing auditors. The British Society of Soil Science 77th Annual General...
Join BSSS at the SB58 Climate Change Conference

Join BSSS at the SB58 Climate Change Conference

The British Society of Soil Science, along with The Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health and the International 4 per 1000 Initiative are delighted to be hosting a policy dialogue luncheon, at the upcoming SB58 UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany, on Thursday 15...
Honorary Membership Nominations 2023

Honorary Membership Nominations 2023

We are now welcoming nominations for Honorary Membership of the Society. Honorary Membership is a discretionary award to those who have been a Full Member of the Society for at least 10 preceding consecutive years and who have made an exceptional contribution towards...