Construction Code of Practice

Construction Code of Practice

The Society responded to the Construction Code of Practice for Sustainable Use of Soils on Construction Sites consultation being undertaken by CL:AIRE on behalf of Defra. The Society’s response focused on the importance of the code but highlighted the need for a...
Honorary Membership Nominations 2022

Honorary Membership Nominations 2022

We are now welcoming nominations for Honorary Membership of the Society. Honorary Membership is a discretionary award to those who have been a Full Member of the Society for at least 10 preceding consecutive years and who have made an exceptional contribution towards...
Construction Code of Practice

Call for National Advocate for Soil Health

In February, the Society wrote to the Rt Hon George Eustice, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, calling for a National Advocate for Soil Health to be introduced in the UK. The letter suggested that the UK follow the Australian government’s...
Statement on the Conflict in Ukraine

Statement on the Conflict in Ukraine

The British Society of Soil Science (BSSS) expresses deep dismay and concern regarding the military offensives being carried out in Ukraine and the humanitarian crisis unfolding as a consequence of these actions. BSSS is a member of membership bodies who have released...
Call for evidence on soil health in the EU

Call for evidence on soil health in the EU

On 16 February, the European Commission has launched a Call for evidence on soil health in the EU. You can find it here on the Have your say portal. As you know, the new EU Soil Strategy for 2030 was adopted on 17 November 2021 and sets the vision to have all soils in...
Tender to Publish the Society’s Journals

Tender to Publish the Society’s Journals

The British Society of Soil Science (BSSS) is an established international membership organisation and charity committed to the study of soil in its widest aspects. We are inviting publishers to tender to publish our two academic journals, the European Journal of Soil...