Farming focus in June for BSSS

Farming focus in June for BSSS

[Updated 3 July 2024] Farming was the topic of the month of June for the British Society of Soil Science. Zoom into Soil webinar | WSDG Event | Open Farm Sunday | Groundswell | Lincolnshire Show Research on soils and enhanced understanding and engagement with soils is...
BSSS Participate in IUSS Centennial

BSSS Participate in IUSS Centennial

The British Society of Soil Science was pleased to be a part of the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) centennial which took place in May. Over 1500 delegates attended the event at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Florence to celebrate this fantastic milestone,...
Welcome to our new Early Career Committee Members

Welcome to our new Early Career Committee Members

We are delighted to welcome several new faces to the BSSS Early Career Committee so we thought we would take the opportunity to find out a bit more about them and what they do. Christina van Midden, PhD student at Cranfield University Hi, I’m a final year PhD...