Today on World Soil Day, we launch our new website giving BSSS a new look! We hope you enjoy viewing the refreshed site and find it interesting, engaging and easy to navigate. We are looking forward to adding more content and information over the next few weeks and will keep members updated in our twice-monthly e-newsletters.
For our members, the site includes:
- A detailed individual profile with easier control to update your details and renew your membership
- Find an Expert – list your profile publicly and feature on our experts list for queries from members and the general public alike (available for full, technical and fellow members)
- Online event booking and payment, with automatic receipts and invoices sent straight to your inbox! No need to wait for this to be sent separately to you
- Apply for a grant or award, directly from the website
- An integrated email system which will allow us to send professional looking BSSS monthly emails, straight to your inbox!
The new website will allow the office to carry out a more efficient and effective renewal process, and we hope that you as members will also have a positive experience. The new website will allow us to improve the layout of membership communications and newsletters and we hope that you will enjoy the new streamlined look that you will see in future communications from the office.
We would welcome any feedback you may have on the new website and hope you take the opportunity to look around!