

Research Assistant

Full time

Closing date


How to Apply

Please send cover letter and CV to Dr Jenny Bussell:

Research Assistant

Full time

The Allerton Project are seeking a Research Assistant (RA) to join the Research Department of the Project.

Job Purpose

The Allerton Project is an 800-acre Research and Demonstration farm, located in East Leicestershire, close to the town of Uppingham.

The position provides the opportunity for an individual to work with the research team helping and
learning to find solutions that reconcile productive farming with wildlife and resource conservation. The RA will work closely with the R&D Trials Officer, Senior Research scientist and wider research team to carry out field scale trials and plot work. Collecting, analysing and assisting with writing up trial data is a key part of this role. Some experience in this area would be helpful but there are plenty of opportunities to learn as part of this role.


The successful applicant will be expected to work with key partners which include:

  • Syngenta
  • Kings
  • R-Leaf
  • Woodland Trust
  • Yara
  • Anglo-American
  • Nestle
  • Kellogg’s
  • PGRO
  • Any other new contracts
Our Vision

The Allerton Research & Educational Trust (ARET) aka The Allerton Project is a nationally important
research and demonstration farm that researches the effects of different farming methods on wildlife
and the environment, sharing results of our research through advisory and educational activities. Much
of this is undertaken on our 320-hectare demonstration farm based in Leicestershire, with outreach
activities also carried out on-line and elsewhere.

We identify management that delivers multiple benefits for our rural landscape. Our work covers
natural capital accounting, Environmental Land Management and regenerative farming systems. From
soil and water to woodland and farmland habitats that increase biodiversity, our aim is to develop
farming and land management systems that are resilient to economic and environmental shocks. Our
own research team collaborates with other research organisations and co-supervises numerous PhD
and MSc projects.

Visitors to the Project include businesses, policy makers, non-government organisations, regulators,
farmers, advisors, students and schools. We have several initiatives that involve the local community to
help improve a shared understanding of agricultural and environmental issues. In essence, the Allerton
Project is an award winning, pioneering blueprint for future rural landscapes. Arable cropping and
livestock enterprises sit alongside woodland, wetland and other environmental habitats. The Project is
noted for developing scientifically validated solutions to a range of agricultural and land management
conflicts, including wildlife, game management, soil health, carbon accounting and water quality. We
are leaders or partners in many public and privately funded initiatives with a number of international
corporations as our clients.

The Allerton Project has a well-established environmentally sustainable training and visitor facility
attracting over 2,000 delegates and visitors a year. The project delivers comprehensive training
programme such as the BASIS Certificate in Sustainable Land Management as well as numerous
bespoke packages.

The Research Department has a dedicated Laboratory within the main Allerton Project Training Centre
and separate Soils Laboratory in an adjacent building, including office space.

Who will you be working with?

Key members of The Allerton Project Team

  • Principal Scientist – Agri-Environmental Science (Vacant)
  • Jenny Bussell – Senior Research Scientist
  • Gemma Fox – R&D Trials Officer
  • Farm Manger (Vacant)
  • John Szczur (Senior Ecologist)
Key Accountabilities and Responsibilities
  • Assistance on design and implementation of all trials on the farm.
  • Work closely with the Farm Manager to ensure field trials are carried out effectively.
  • Collect, analyse and assist with writing up data from trials.
  • Assist the research team when putting together new bids.
  • Liaise with other internal staff and external contractors to ensure field data is gathered
    e.g. agronomic date for the CA & SFS Project; soil samples collected by Envirofield etc.
  • Use scientific equipment, such as gas analysers in the field.
  • Follow procedures and protocols to collect high quality, publishable scientific trials data.
  • Work off site to fulfil research obligations.
Person Specification
  • Experience and ability in collecting scientific data. Attention to detail – Essential
  • Ability to work with wide range of people to ensure quality data collection – Essential
  • Interest and ability to collect and analyse data. Open and willing to learn – Essential
  • A team player; approachable, flexible, engaging, enthusiastic and welcoming to all – Essential
  • Flexible and adaptable, willing to work with a range of members of the team to research more sustainable farming methods – Essential
  • Genuine interest in improving and developing conservation at Allerton and communicating this with others – Essential
  • Willingness to undertake a variety of manual tasks for data collection, such as soil sampling, in all weathers – Essential
  • A full driving licence – Essential
  • Excellent organisational and planning skills – Preferable
  • Ability to prioritise and work dynamically to achieve project milestones – Preferable
  • Ability to adapt, work flexibly and deal with unpredictability of the farming environment – Preferable
  • A degree or equivalent in a scientific discipline, or relevant experience – Preferable


Please send cover letter and CV to Dr Jenny Bussell:


Type of appointment: Full-time, permanent
Reporting to: Senior Research Scientist
Location: Allerton Project, Loddington
Hours of work: Full time, 37.5 hours per week over 5 days.
Salary: £24 – £26k


Closing date


How to Apply

Please send cover letter and CV to Dr Jenny Bussell: