Dr Lynda Deeks

Council Member - SWSDG Chair
Lynda Deeks

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Dr Lynda Deeks

Council Member - SWSDG Chair

Dr Lynda Deeks is Chair of the South West Soil Discussion Group and BSSS Council member.

Lynda graduated in Geography from the University of Plymouth and subsequently studied for a PhD in Physical Geography. Her PhD, which investigated preferential and matrix flow in a mole drained soil block, led on to a Post-Doctoral position based at the University of Plymouth and Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research at North Wyke, Devon.

Following on from this, Lynda was based at the Scottish Crop Research Institute, Dundee, now part of the James Hutton Institute, where she was responsible for coordinating an experimental program relating to hydro/chemical modelling across a range of physical scales from sub 1 cm 2 to 1 km 2. She joined Cranfield University in May 2003 as a Research Scientist based at the North Wyke office in Devon.

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