Dr Lizzie Sagoo


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Dr Lizzie Sagoo


Dr Lizzie Sagoo is a soil scientist and director at ADAS. She joined ADAS in 2003 following a PhD on the recycling of biosolids to short rotation willow coppice at the University of Leeds. Lizzie’s research at ADAS focusses on agricultural soil science, including on soil quality, nutrient management, recycling organic materials to land, diffuse pollution of the air and water environments from agriculture, and precision farming techniques to improve soil and nutrient management.

Lizzie is experienced in managing complex applied research projects. She currently leads two large (>£1million) Defra funded projects: ‘Development and Evaluation of a Free to Use Nutrient Management Planning Tool, and Longitudinal Research’ (2023-2027) and ‘Understanding rotational ‘mob’ grazing: Impacts, benefits and trade-offs’ (2021-2026). She led the recently completed multi-partner EU Interreg project ‘Increasing the speed and uptake of innovation in the field vegetable and potato sectors: defining a new approach for delivering cost effective research (INNO-VEG)’  Lizzie was part of the ADAS team which reviewed the current RB209 Fertiliser Recommendations for AHDB; she led the review of the ‘Vegetable and bulbs’ and ‘Fruit, vines and hops’ chapters and contributed to the Potatoes, Arable crops, and Organic materials chapters.

Lizzie is a STEM ambassador, a Country Trust ‘Soil champion’ and a ‘Form the Future’ volunteer ambassador. She has engaged with primary, secondary and sixth form college students on soil science education and careers in soil science. Lizzie has been a member of the Society for over 20 years, and has supported BSSS on the Grants and Awards, Outreach, and SEESOIL committees.

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