Dr Bruce Lascelles

Past President

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Dr Bruce Lascelles

Past President

Bruce is a Past-President (2021 – 2022) and a Trustee of the British Society of Soil Science. He is also Chair of the Grants & Awards Committee and was Chair of the World Congress of Soil Science Working Group and a Director of the company World Congress of Soil Science 2022, set up to deliver the event. Bruce is Past Chair of the Institute of Professional Soil Scientists, which merged with BSSS.

Bruce has a background in Soil Science and Forestry and undertook a PhD investigating the development of soils in North Wales over the Holocene in relation to environmental change and human impacts. After completing a Post Doctoral research project at the University of Leicester looking at the mechanisms of soil erosion and rill formation, Bruce moved into consultancy and has developed significant expertise in soil and Agricultural Land Classification survey, the design and supervision of appropriate soil handling methodologies and in the habitat creation, restoration and translocation (and was a co-author of the CIRIA Habitat translocation – a best practice guide) where Bruce has worked across a wide range of habitats, including lowland raised bogs, blanket bog, heathland, marshy and chalk grassland and river systems.

Bruce is currently the UK Director for Sustainable Land Management at Arcadis and is passionate about promoting the importance and wider understanding of soils. Bruce is also Chair of the CIRIA Soil Community of Practice, a member of the CIWEM Natural Capital Network Steering Group and sits on the Cranfield University Environment Industry Advisory Panel.

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