Annual General Meeting 2021

Jul 21, 2021 | News

The AGM is essential for conducting formal business of the Society. Without it, we are unable to elect your representatives, or carry out essential business such as approving our accounts and appointing auditors.

To ensure BSSS is able to complete its essential business in 2021, we would strongly encourage every member to either attend the meeting or complete the simple proxy formWithout your support, the society will not be able to comply with its legal obligations.

The AGM will take place on Tuesday 7 September from 12:15 – 1:00pm and if you are able to, please register to attend the meeting which will take place immediately after the Annual Conference. Members unable to attend the Annual Conference are welcome to register to attend the meeting and join once the AGM begins.

Members will be asked to vote on the following resolutions set out in the meeting agenda and papers:

  1. To approve the Minutes from the Annual General Meeting held on 8 October 2020
  2. To receive and approve the Trustees’ Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2020
  3. To approve the reappointment of the Auditors, HSA & Co., for the 2021 financial year
  4. To approve amendments to the Memorandum and Articles of Association, specifically to:
    1. Remove references to the merger between the Institute of Professional Soil Scientists (IPSS) and BSSS
    2. Reduce the number of members required to make a quorum at General Meetings from 10% to 5%
  5. To approve revised Society Bye-Laws
  6. To appoint Anirban Sarkar as Finance Trustee (Treasurer)
  7. To appoint Brian Westbury as Governance Trustee
  8. To appoint Kirsty Elliott as Chair of the Early Careers Committee
  9. To appoint Lois Phillips as Chair of the Education Committee
  10. To appoint Sacha Mooney as Chair of the Grants and Awards Committee
  11. To appoint Iain Gould as Chair of the Midlands Soil Discussion Group
  12. To appoint Mark Nason as Ordinary Council Member
  13. To elect Keith Goulding as an Honorary Member
  14. To elect Margaret Oliver as an Honorary Member.

If you are unable to attend the AGM, please nominate a proxy to vote in your place, by completing the attached proxy form and returning it to by Tuesday 31 August at 5:00pm.

Your support is invaluable.

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