On the occasion of the joint celebration of the 75th anniversary of both the British Society of Soil Science (BSSS) and the Sociedad Española de la Ciencia del Suelo (SECS), we announce this grant call aiming at promoting collaboration between members of both societies for the benefit of Soil Science domain.
One grant of up to £4,000, sponsored by BSSS and SECS, is available for the development and delivery of innovative teaching/outreach resources aiming at supporting and encouraging the education of Soil Science. The teaching/outreach resource will develop innovative ways of incorporating soil science within primary, secondary and/or tertiary settings. The resource in question will be developed in both English and Spanish language by a group of applicants involving at least one member of BSSS and one member of SECS. A team of a minimum of two applicants, one from each society, is required.
This grant scheme is intended for teachers, researchers, scientist, and professionals with a keen interest on soils conducting their main activity in the United Kingdom and Spain. There is no restriction on the profile of the applicants, but applications are particularly welcomed from Early Career scientist or professionals (see marking criteria).
The documentation must be submitted online by the applicants to admin@soils.org.uk and secs@us.es. We have extended the deadline to 28 February 2023 at 11:59pm.