Welcome from our new President

Jan 6, 2025 | Blog, Featured, Featured Blog, News

Professor Paul Hallett from the University of Aberdeen has officially commenced his term as British Society of Soil Science President for 2025 and 2026, as of 1 January.

Prof Hallett works in the School of Biological Sciences where he coordinates soil science teaching to senior undergraduate and postgraduate students. His research is finding solutions to agricultural and environmental threats to soils health, both in the UK and internationally. Current projects are diverse including microplastic contamination, crops requiring less fertiliser, and collaboration with Ethiopian scientists to improve soils, biodiversity and farmer livelihoods.

Paul outlines his plans as BSSS President and why this is an exciting time for soil science.

What an exciting time to begin as President of the British Society of Soil Science!  Since I became involved in BSSS Council over 15 years ago, I have witnessed the Society develop from a small scientific membership organisation to a large professional body that bridges science, education, practice and policy.  Our members are some of the world’s best soil scientists, and amongst our early career members are tomorrow’s superstars.

The UK is world leading in soil science, a position we need to retain through research, training and impact.  A key goal of mine is to initiate greater cooperation between institutions that teach soil science in their curriculum, providing a platform to share resources and a one-stop location to allow students to explore training options. This includes continuing the Society’s strong education agenda aimed at professional practitioners and students from school children to postgraduate level.  We need to draw the next generation into soil science by offering educators easy resources that provide exciting and informative teaching methods.

Emphasising the need for an evidence base to make informed decisions about soil is another major goal.  This continues the excellent work already conducted by the BSSS to guide policy development and provide knowledge exchange to farmers, engineers, environmental specialists and the public. To get this evidence requires good science, so as President I will advocate on behalf of the soil science research community, particularly its links to UKRI, other funding agencies and international partners.  To make big leaps in soil science requires cutting-edge research.

Building on the success of the WCSS in Glasgow, promoting the role of UK soil science to help tackle global challenges is another goal. Closer relations with other national soil science societies, particularly in developing countries, helps build our discipline globally and improves our ability to tackle emerging international challenges.

I am pleased that BSSS is investigating a trade magazine to link science with practice more effectively. This would feature case studies from our industry members and more digestible summaries of selected manuscripts from the society’s science journals, the European Journal of Soil Science and Soil Use and Management. We recently revisited the strategies of the journals to align them more closely with the Society and build their already strong positions in global soil science.

When I look at the achievements of the past Presidents, most recently Jack Hannam and Bruce Lascelles, I have big boots to fill and high expectations from members. We have a 6-year rota on the Presidential team, learning the ropes as President Elect, serving as President, and then providing wisdom as Past-President, so I still have Jack to give me guidance. Lizzie Sagoo comes on board as President-Elect.  Her experience as a Principal Soil Scientist at ADAS and long-serving roles on BSSS Council adds considerably to the Presidential Team. Behind all our activities is the Executive Team, led by its Director Andy Morris who took up post in early 2024. He brings a wealth of experience in the running of membership organisations, assisted by a team with policy, marketing, communications, business development and event planning expertise.

Representing members is my most important role, so I look forward to working with you to ensure the BSSS builds its position as the must-join organisation for anyone with an interest in soil.

Prof. Paul Hallett


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